Marches-Two Steps

Western Life

Composer George L. Cobb (1886-1942) Title Western Life Subtitle March - Two Step Publisher Chas. I. Davis, Detroit, MI Year 1906 Source Ted Tjaden (= Further information: Biographical details are found on Bill Edwards' website: Copyright entry: not found Sheet Music Source File

2022-01-06T23:35:19+02:00Categories: 1906, Chas. I. Davis, George L. Cobb, Marches-Two Steps|Tags: |

Fencing Girl, The

Composer E. Edwin Wilson Title Fencing Girl, The Subtitle March-Two Step Publisher Union Music Co. Year 1902 Source / Further information: Biographical details are found here: not found The first page of music is advertised as sample page on the back cover of "The Rag Pickers Rag" (1904) by Robert J. O'Brien.

2022-01-05T22:42:56+02:00Categories: 1902, Edwin E. Wilson, Marches-Two Steps, Union Music Co.|Tags: |


Composer Winthrop Wiley Title Hap-Hazard Subtitle March-Two Step Publisher F. A. Mills, 48 W. 29th St., N. Y. Year 1901 Source Mississippi State University – University Libraries Institutional Repository (= Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection) Further information: Biographical details are found here: not found Copyright entry: not found Sheet Music

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