John Stark & Son

Peacherine Rag

Composer Scott Joplin (1867-1917) Title Peacherine Rag Subtitle / Publisher John Stark & Son Year 1901 Source Library of Congress – Ragtime Further information: Biographical details are found on Bill Edwards' website: The Sheet Music is also found in the Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection at the Mississippi State University:

Entertainer, The

Composer Scott Joplin (1867-1917) Title Entertainer, The Subtitle A Rag Time Two Step Publisher John Stark & Son Year 1902 Source Library of Congress – Ragtime Further information: Biographical details are found on Bill Edwards' website: The Sheet Music is also found in the Lester S. Levy Sheet Music Collection at

John Henry

Composer E. J. Stark (1867-1962) Title John Henry Subtitle March & Two-Step Publisher John Stark & Son Year 1903 Source / Further information: Biographical details are found on Bill Edward's website: The first page of music is found as sample page on the inner cover of "Piking The Pike" (1904) by

Augustan Club, The

Composer Scott Joplin (1867-1917) Title Augustan Club, The Subtitle Waltzes Publisher John Stark & Son, St. Louis, MO Year 1901 Source Sheet Music Collection of Joel Markowitz Further information: Biographical details are found on Bill Edwards' website: Copyright entry: Mar. 25, 1901, © 4375 Sheet Music Source File

2022-04-05T12:17:51+02:00Categories: 1901, John Stark & Son, Scott Joplin, Waltzes|Tags: |


Composer Scott Joplin (1867-1917) & Arthur Marshall Title Swipesy Subtitle Cake Walk Publisher John Stark & Son Year 1900 Source Library of Congress – Ragtime Further information: Biographical details are found on Bill Edwards' website: The score was published at least with four different covers. The Sheet Music is also found

Seraphine Waltzes

Composer Charles Hunter (1876-1906) Title Seraphine Waltzes Subtitle / Publisher John Stark & Son Year 1905 Source Bill's Audio Reference Library Further information: Biographical details are found on Bill Edwards' website: Copyright entry: not found Sheet Music Source File

2022-01-03T23:23:55+02:00Categories: 1905, Charles Hunter, John Stark & Son|Tags: , |

Cascades, The

Composer Scott Joplin (1867-1917) Title Cascades, The Subtitle A Rag Publisher John Stark & Son Year 1904 Source Washington University in St.Louis – University Libraries (= Gaylord Music Library) Further information: Biographical details are found on Bill Edwards' website: The Sheet Music is also found in the Charles Templeton Sheet Music

2022-01-03T23:23:30+02:00Categories: 1904, John Stark & Son, Rags, Scott Joplin|Tags: , , , , |

Sun Flower Slow Drag

Composer Scott Joplin (1867-1917) & Scott Hayden Title Sun Flower Slow Drag Subtitle Rag Time Two Step Publisher John Stark & Son, St. Louis Year 1901 Source Washington University in St.Louis – University Libraries (= Gaylord Music Library) Further information: Biographical details are found on Bill Edwards' website: The Sheet Music

Maple Leaf Rag

Composer Scott Joplin (1867-1917) Title Maple Leaf Rag Subtitle / Publisher John Stark & Son Year 1899 Source Washington University in St.Louis – University Libraries (= Gaylord Music Library) Further information: Biographical details are found on Bill Edwards' website: The Sheet Music is also found in the Howard W. Wildin Sheet

2022-01-03T23:22:37+02:00Categories: 1899, John Stark & Son, Scott Joplin|Tags: , , , , , |

African Pas’

Composer Maurice Kirwin Title African Pas' Subtitle Rag Time Two-Step Publisher John Stark & Son Year 1902 Source Washington University in St. Louis – University Libraries (= Gaylord Music Library) Further information: Biographical details found on Bill Edwards' website: Copyright entry: not found Sheet Music Source File

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