Valses Caprices

Golden Glitter

Composer Howard Whitney Swope (1869-1924) Title Golden Glitter Subtitle Valse Caprice Publisher M. Witmark & Sons Year 1902 Source / Further information: Biographical details are found here: not found The first page of music is found as sample page on the back cover of “A Lucky Duck” (1903) by the same composer.

2022-03-06T22:05:39+02:00Categories: 1902, Howard Whitney, M. Witmark & Sons, Valses Caprices|Tags: |

Evening Star

Composer Maurice Kirwin (1881-1952) Title Evening Star Subtitle Valse Caprice Publisher Grand Music Co. Year 1910 Source Washington University in St.Louis – University Libraries (= Gaylord Music Library) Further information: Biographical details are found on Bill Edwards' website: Copyright entry: not found Sheet Music Source File

2022-01-03T23:25:03+02:00Categories: 1910, Grand Music Co., Maurice Kirwin, Valses Caprices|Tags: , |
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