Dying Shepherd, The

Composer Eduard Holst (1843-1899) Title Dying Shepherd, The Subtitle Fantasie Descriptive Publisher M. Witmark & Sons Year 1896 Source / Further information: Biographical details are found here: not found The first page of music is found as sample page on the back cover of “The Nutmeg Dance” (1897) by Jacob Henry Ellis.

Broken Revels

Composer Eduard Holst (1843-1899) Title Broken Revels Subtitle Grand Galop De Concert Publisher M. Witmark & Sons Year 1896 Source / Further information: Biographical details are found here: not found The first page of music is found as sample page on the back cover of "The Nutmeg Dance" (1897) by Jacob Henry

Birds Courtship, The

Composer Eduard Holst (1843-1899) Title Birds Courtship, The Subtitle Idyle Publisher M. Witmark & Sons Year 1896 Source / Further information: Biographical details are found here: not found The first page of music is found as sample page on the back cover of "The Nutmeg Dance" (1897) by Jacob Henry Ellis. Copyright

2022-03-12T20:56:47+02:00Categories: 1896, Eduard Holst, Idyles, M. Witmark & Sons|Tags: |

Brewster Waltzes

Composer C. C. Mac Clurg Title Brewster Waltzes Subtitle / Publisher J. W. Jenkins' Sons Year 1896 Source / Further information: Biographical details are found here: not found The first page of music is found as sample page on the inner back cover of "The Fox Chase" (1901) by W. Wesley Wells.

2022-01-14T23:22:33+02:00Categories: 1896, C. C. Mac Clurg, J. W. Jenkins' Sons|Tags: , |

Happy Days In Dixie

Composer Kerry Mills (1869-1948) Title Happy Days In Dixie Subtitle Characteristic Two-Step March Publisher F. A. Mills Year 1896 Source Duke University Libraries – Repository Collections & Archives (= Historic Sheet Music Collection) Further information: Biographical details are found on Bill Edwards' website: http://ragpiano.com/comps/famills.shtml The Sheet Music is also found in the


Composer Wm. H. Tyers (1870-1924) Title Trocha Subtitle A Cuban Dance Publisher F. A. Mills Year 1896 Source Personal Sheet Music Collection of Adrien Le Gallo Further information: Biographical details are found on Bill Edwards' website: http://www.ragpiano.com/comps/wtyers.shtml Copyright entry: not found Sheet Music Exclusively found here

Wedding Of The Winds

Composer John T. Hall (1875-1954) Title Wedding Of The Winds Subtitle Concert Waltzes Publisher (Gold Seal Publishing Co.) Shapiro, Remick & Co., N. Y. & Detroit Year (1896) 1904 Source Mississippi State University – University Libraries Institutional Repository (= Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection) Further information: Biographical details are found here: http://www.songpoemmusic.com/johnthall.htm

Remus Takes The Cake

Composer Jacob Henry Ellis Title Remus Takes The Cake Subtitle Characteristic. Two Step-March. Publisher Willis Woodward & Co. Year 1896 Source Duke University Libraries - Repository Collections & Archives Further information: Biographical details are found on Bill Gill's website: https://billsaudioreferencelibrary.com/jacob-henry-ellis-46c44bbd-18d6-412b-9a76-e8de8f6f3611 Copyright entry: not found Sheet Music Source File

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